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Wicca: A Year and a Day 23-24

14 août 2023 - 18 août 2024

  • 371 jours
  • 741 étapes

À propos

Welcome to Wicca: A Year and a Day 2023-2024! This is a forum style course that blends the self-study and teacher-led styles of learning. In this course you will learn the basics of Wicca. This includes the different aspects of both the God and Goddess, the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, Wiccan terminology, guided meditations, Numerology, Tarot, Runes, and so, so much more. There are many opportunities within this course for both external and internal discovery; you might find that you learn as much about yourself as you do about Wicca! There are only 10 open slots for this year's course, so sign up soon! Class meetings are held over videochat weekly. The day and time for this is selected based on everyone's schedule, therefore there is currently no set time. You will receive a certificate upon the completion of the course. **The textbook and supplies required to take this course are available for purchase through the shop but purchasing them through the shop is not a requirement of enrollment in the class. The monthly supplies are required to participate and execute various class activities. **You must have obtained your textbook and first month's supplies by the sign-up deadline! Sign-up deadline is August 1st! The textbook we will be using is that which is pictured; Wicca: A Year and a Day by Timothy Roderick. Failure to obtain both your textbook and first month's supplies will result in removal from course, as the course cannot be completed without either.

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35,00 $US

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23-24 Wicca: A Year and a Day Class Lounge

23-24 Wicca: A Year and a Day Class Lounge

Privé 6 membres


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